

Education Support for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Students:

Our school provides additional support for NCS students to facilitate their learning of Chinese: providing after-school support programmes in learning Chinese and after-school activities to consolidate what NCS students have learnt during the Chinese Language lessons. The activities include Chinese language skills training, Chinese culture appreciation, etc. The after-school support programmes in learning Chinese include after-school Chinese Language course, recess reading activities, extra Chinese Language course on Saturdays, etc. Apart from the tutor, the teacher assistant will be assisting students during Chinese Language courses. Moreover, appropriate assessment tools and suggested resources will be provided if needed to monitor the progress of our students and to provide assistance as appropriate.


2022-23 學校支援摘要

2022-23 School Support Summary

The H.K.C.W.C. Hioe Tjo Yoeng Primary School
地址: 香港筲箕灣西灣河街61號
Address: 61 Sai Wan Ho Street, Shaukiwan, Hong Kong
電話: 25602051
傳真: 25689445
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